7 best ways to lose fat fast

6 min readJun 9, 2020


Health tips

7 best ways to lose fat fast

Whether it’s a wedding season, a summer trip, a farewell or a last moment important function for which you need to lose some fats here and there and get a desired figure. And guess what, it’s possible. Few changes in your daily habits and you are done. Let’s see how we can make this happen together.

Cut down excess sugar

contains 300 Cal. So now you can understand why we are not able to reduce that stubborn belly fat. Instead of tea you can have Cutting down sugar from your diet will reduce your total calorie consumption. Many a times it happens that we do workout regularly but cannot reduce our weight, this is because we are unable to give up our morning tea. One medium cup of tea contains approximately 25–30 Cal; a chocolate bar green tea which is full of antioxidant and helps in weight management. Not only tea, but there are many items which we consume throughout the day like biscuits, pastries, chocolates, jams, coffee, different types of sweets, etc. which unable us to manage our weight. You can also replace these sweet foods with some healthy sweet like jaggery, date and honey. So the very first step towards losing weight fast is, you must give up on your sweet tooth.

Control your portion

Eating in small portions helps body to burn the fats which are already stored in our body. Rather skipping your meal, you can anytime control your eating portions. Eat less than you eat on daily bases. This process will make your body habitual of using the stored fats to produce energy. Now it is quite difficult to control the quantity of food which we eat. For that you can follow some tricks like, eating in small plates, prefer dark color plates like navy blue, black, brown, etc. this dark color will trick your brain, and your hunger will automatically reduce and you will eat less.

Water for weight loss

Water is the cheapest and underestimated source of weight loss. If you want to lose weight fast, no one can help you better than water. Drinking 3 to 4 liters of water every day helps in flushing all the toxins that are stored in our body. Also water keeps us full for longer time and we tend to eat less, which in turn helps in . weight management Drinking water also increases your metabolic rate. Now, you might be thinking how can water help in weight loss? The answer for your question is, when you consume water, its temperature is lower than the internal temperature of your body. And this temperature difference triggers your body and your body starts working towards making water temperature same as your body temperature. And while all this process it burns extra calories stored in your body. This is the reason water helps in weight loss.

Reduce salt intake

We all know how important role does salt plays in making our food testy. However, if not consumed in proportion, salt can harm you in many ways like increased blood pressure, heart problems, may led to weight gain and many more. A considerable reduction in consumption of salt can help in weight loss. Salt tend to retain water, and our body seems a bit blotted. This is because of water retention. As soon as you reduce its intake, your body loses all its water weight and comes back to its original weight and shape.

Keep yourself moving

Now a days our lifestyle has become more sedentary and less in movement. Such lifestyle is making our body lazy. This in turn results into weight gain. Just like nonmoving machine caches rust after a period of time, our body also catches rust known as fat. So it is at most important to keep your body moving after a time interval. One can take out a small brake of 10 minutes from there busy day and can take walk. Or you can also do some light exercise at your work desk like rotate our neck, do some squats, bend and touch your toes, or a spot jog will also do wonders. It’s just that you need to keep on doing some or the other workout after every 2 to 3 hour. Trust me, this will increase your fat burning process and you will get the desired results faster.

Keep yourself away from diary

As it is proven that weight loss is due to 80% diet and 20% exercising. One needs to keep a keen watch on his diet. One must keep their diet clean for the fast results. Dairy products are much higher in calories than any other products. Consuming such food will only add in your stored calories. Dairy is one of the major part of our diet, and when we eliminate it and replace it with no other product, ultimately our intake reduces and we can keep a right track on our diet. But there are few dairy products like yogurt which aid to weight loss.

Get a good sleep

Oh, sounds interesting, right? This is much simpler than all the above weight loss tips. However, it is not. As we all can see how hectic our lives have become, and getting 7–8 hours of sleep is next to impossible for us. Our habit of keep on staring into electronic gadgets dries up the wetness of our eyes and results into sleeplessness. And lack of sleep leads to obesity. Lack of sleep can increase your appetite, which in turn leads to weight gain. lack of sleep may also lead to blood pressure, stress, diabetes, makes you lethargic, lack of energy, etc.

These are the reasons we must skip some of our bad habits and try to get at least 6–7 hours or sweet sleep. Few tips for getting a sound sleep are, try to avoid electronic gadgets before 1 hour of going to sleep, drink warm milk before bed, get a good head massage.

These were few tips which will defiantly help you in reducing your weight in short time and in a healthy way.

I hope this article will help you guys and if it does, please comment below and let me know. I will love to hear from you guys how my article helped you.Thank you for reading.

Originally published at https://getfitwithmudita.blogspot.com on June 9, 2020.




Written by Muditapawar


Lifestyle and fitness blogs

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