How to lose 10 kg in 2 months at home
Losing weight rapidly can be a difficult task but not impossible. There are many examples in front of us who have reached their goals within minimal time period.
If they can do, then why not we. Few major changes in your lifestyle will defiantly make your way simpler. Let’s see how.
Focus more on cardio
Cardio workout is particularly known for weight loss. Even a single cardio session can reduce 1 kg of weight in a day, and trust me, I have experienced this.
20 lunge walk + 10 push ups + 20 mountain climb + 20 jumping jacks
These were some of my combinations which I do during my workouts. You can mix and match according to your choice and do 3 sets of your circuit. Take a break of 10 sec in between each exercise and a 20–30 sec rest in between each set.
Count your calories
As it is proven that weight loss follows . 80% weight loss depends on what we eat and 20% on regular exercise.
are nothing but the amount of energy which we get from our food. Some food items provide high amount of energy or we can say high amount of calories and some provides less.
I know, it is quite difficult to keep a check on everything we eat. Sometimes it’s a friend’s birthday party; sometimes it’s a family function or a festival, these events may affect our calculation. But don’t worry I have a solution.
Start maintaining a , in which you will write down everything you eat and yes, you need to be honest to yourself. This will make you realize what wrong things are going into your stomach and next time when you have that food in front of you, you will automatically stop yourself eating that food.
You can also calculate how many calories you should intake to maintain your weight or to lose your weight. For which many calorie calculators are available.
Cut down on refined carbs
We usually come across few fad diets which tell us to stop eating carbohydrates for weight loss. However that is not true. We need carbs in our day to day life. So, instead of eliminating carbs entirely form our diet, we need to in a right way and in a right amount. Carbohydrates hold the major portion in our regular diet. And is the first form of energy which breaks down when needed. Then comes protein and lastly fats. So, in order to reduce weight, we want our body to use the stored fats in the form of energy which is need while doing certain work. And to make this happen, we will have to reduce our carbohydrate intake.
There are two types of carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates are one or two molecule substance, which can be digested quickly and provide instant energy which is known to us as glucose. This glucose is the instant form of energy rush which need to be used instantly or else it gets stored in the form of fats. Few e.g. of simple carbs are
Bakery products
Dairy products
Fruits juices (concentrated form)
Refined sugar
Fruits are one of the good forms of simple carbs. With sugar they also provide few important vitamins and minerals which are useful for our overall health, whereas candies and chocolates etc. provides sugar only, which is not needed much for our body.
Complex carbohydrates is a composition of more than three molecules of sugar which takes quite long for our body to break. This means complex carbs takes longer than simple carbs to get digest. This keeps us full for longer period and it helps in controlling our food intake which in turn manages our weight. Some complex carbs are,
Whole grains
Sweet potato
Green vegetables
As we saw, not all carbs are bad. The only thing we need to do is understand our food and then decide what to eat and how much to eat. Eating right will defiantly help you in your weight loss journey.
Eat your water and drink your food
Sounds weird, but yes as I said, one should eat their water and should drink their food. In our busy life we all have forgotten our basic culture of eating food. Our ancestors have taught us the right way of eating and drinking our food and water.
When we were kids, we were always been told to eat our food slowly and chew it till it gets liquid. This process helps in quick digestion of our food. As we all know there are salivary glands in our mouth which releases saliva which in turn starts the process of digestion from our mouth itself. It will automatically help our stomach in doing the whole digestion process.
It also results in good sleep, improves our bowel habits, prevent blotting and acidity.
Now, turning towards drinking water rightly. We generally drink water in one or two breaths straight. But guys, it’s a wrong way. This habit will result into many health related problems.
One must sit down with his glass of water and take small sips at a time, breath once and do the same again. It is not about how much water you drink, however it’s about, how you drink it. And sitting at a place and drinking it will also avoid knee problems.
Now, as we all know the right way of drinking and eating, I hope we all will follow these few simple rules and make our better and healthier.
Eat fibrous food
Fibrous food has lots of benefits . One of those is weight loss. We usually miss on fibers. These are complex member which are commonly known as skin or the outer layer of fruits and vegetables. There are also verities of vegetables that are rich in fibers.
Fibers when eaten in raw form before every meal acts as a net which helps cutting down the food further and digest it at a faster rate. And a body with good digestive system and metabolic rate does not gain weight faster. Also these are more filling food, so you do not get hungry frequently and can manage your weight in a better way.
Soluble fibers like oats, chia seeds, citrus fruits, beans, etc. may help in reducing bad cholesterol and can control blood pressure.
And insoluble fibers like green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, whole wheat flour, etc. helps in weight management, keeps skin young and healthy, helps in hair growth, and many more.
Therefor don’t forget to add a bowl of fresh salad to your diet daily.
This were few tips which when followed accordingly will defiantly make your journey of weight loss far more easier. I hope you guys like the article.
Please comment and let me know how it helped you. Thank you.
Originally published at on June 24, 2020.