How to stay motivated to lose weight
It is very much natural getting demotivated or losing motivation when in weightless journey. Don’t worry; you are not the only one who is facing this situation.
Here are few weight loss motivation tips which will help you stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey.
Types of motivation:
There are two types of motivation-
Intrinsic Motivation (self-motivation)
Motivation which comes within is intrinsic motivation. And to be self-motivated, one needs to be disciplined and dedicated towards his goals. You can follow these simple tips to be self-motivated-
Keep small targets:
Sometimes we set too high goal and when not able to achieve the same, we get demotivated. Therefore, instead of setting a huge goal, keep it simple and realistic, and move forward with achieving those.
Be away from negative company:
People tend to demotivate a person by discussing their failure story or someone else’s failure story during weight loss journey. And we start believing them and lose our interest. So, always keep yourself surrounded by positively charged people who will keep on motivating you to give your best. You can join a fitness club; you can also follow some motivational stories shared by so many people out there.
Click you’re before and after pictures:
Picture speaks a lot. They will keep you highly motivated and will surely push you to give your best.
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation is the motivation which we get form external sources. There are different external motivations for different people. Few of the could be like,
“Summers are coming and I need a perfect beach body”
“I will transform my body into a sculpted one and attract a handsome and loving life partner”
“If she / he can reduce this much, I can also do the same”
And many more. Not everyone has a same extrinsic motivation. No matter how weird the reason is, if it is the one who keeps you motivated all the time, then go for it.
As we say different types of motivations, it is very likely that whatsoever type of motivation it is, we tend to lose it after a time period. There for here are few tips which will help you stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey.
Reward yourself:
Now rewards could be in any form like take a moment and look into the mirror just to appreciate your hard work. You can sometimes, maybe once in a month reward your mind and your body with a slice of cake or cookie or anything you like the most.
Don’t push yourself too hard:
It so happens that you push your body so hard while working out, the next day it gets so tired that you are left with no energy to get up and do your next day’s work out. Instead, try to listen to your body; it will take some time to do the exercise in a perfect way. Therefor keep is simple and enjoy the whole sweet pain.
Join a fitness clubs:
There are lots of clubs or pages on social media where we get to see many body transformation stories of different people from different parts of the world. Ultimately we get motivated and we keep up with our own journey.
Click your before and after pictures:
Before begin your weight loss journey, just click some pictures of yours. Keep on clicking a couple of them after every month, and compare them. I am sure, nothing could make you as happier as these pictures will make. You won’t be able to find any difference in your body by seeing yourself in mirror. However, you will be able to see a visible change in your first months and your third month’s picture.
Set realistic goals:
This should have been the very first point in your weight loss motivation list.
Setting huge goals or unrealistic goals will only upset you and stop you going further. Instead, set some realistic goals, like losing 1–3 kg in a month, or you could make it even more smaller like drinking 3 liters of water per day or working out for an hour per day, etc.
Fulfilling such goals is much more easier and will take you towards your final goal in much smoother way.
Choose a diet plan which suits your lifestyle:
As we all know, exercise and a balance diet goes hand in hand. Therefore, maintaining a proper diet plan is very important. There are many diets out in market, however you need to choose one to which you will stick throughout your life or at least till the longest period of your life.
For this, know your daily routine properly, list down what food do you have on daily bases and make the corrections as per required. Like, cutting down on the number of tea or coffee cups, replacing fried food with something of lesser calories, replacing a cake or a pastry with a fruit or some dry fruits.
This way you can follow a healthy way of eating, and of course, cheat meals once or twice a month will do.
Choose a workout which you enjoy:
Regular workout is one of the important part of weight loss journey. There are number of workouts and exercises around us. We should be smart enough to choose one which will be beneficial to us as well as will suite our lifestyle.
Choose a workout which you will enjoy doing on regular bases. Like if someone likes to dance, they can go for a zumba or aerobics. However people, who do not enjoy too much loud music or too much sweat, can do yoga or pilates for that matter.
Choosing a wrong workout won’t allow you to stick to it for a longer period of time. You can mix and match different forms of exercises for better result.
Maintain a weight loss journal:
You can maintain a book or a journal which will keep a track of your journey. You can add your daily workout plan into it, you can write down all the food stuff you ate the whole day and can keep a check on your food intake.
You can also note down your body measurements and check it on every month end.
So, these were few tips which will keep you motivated throughout you weight loss journey.
I hope you guys liked it, please let me know in the comment section how useful the article was for you.
Originally published at on July 18, 2020.